At Faith Lutheran Church, we love to tell the story of Jesus and His love.
Bible Studies
No registration; come when you can.
SUNDAYS / 9:15 am
1st, 3rd, & 5th WEDNESDAYS / 5:30 pm – Men
Current and Upcoming Studies
Devotional materials and more are available in the narthex at church:
- Portals of Prayer
- Lutheran Women’s Quarterly
- other devotional booklets and resources for children and adults
The Lutheran Hour and LHM Daily Devotions – free apps available
Lutheran Hour Ministries offers multiple free apps for download, or listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Spreaker, amazon alexa, and more.
Classes & Staff
Sunday School classes (three-year-olds through 6th grade) start the Sunday School hour together briefly in the gym. Then, around 9:20am, 5th & 6th graders go to their new classroom across from the kitchen, while the rest of the children walk to the sanctuary. After praying to and praising Jesus with songs, we split into the classes listed below for the lesson and activities for the day. The children may be picked up downstairs at 10:15.
The Parent/Toddler class is self-contained downstairs, in the preschool hallway. Confirmation and high school classes meet upstairs. See below for details.
Classes meet as follows. If you arrive after they have left the gym, please help your children find their teacher in the sanctuary or their new classroom, which will be marked:
Sunday School – 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. |
Together with Jesus/Parents and Toddlers (all ages before 3rd birthday) (Room 4 in preschool hallway) | Sarah Pape, Stephanie Yoder |
3 & 4-year-olds (begin in gym; end downstairs) | Vicky Hillenburg, Erin Miller, Amanda & Ryan Shettlesworth |
5s/K (begin in gym; end downstairs) | Cassie Churchill, Samantha Schaefer |
1st/2nd grade (begin in gym; end downstairs) |
Alyson McGhie, Tim Paul, Autumn Battaglia |
3rd/4th grade (begin in gym; end downstairs) | Jean Scott, Alan & Janet Schaefer, Lauren Gaskins |
5th/6th grade (begin in gym; end across from Kitchen) |
Emilia Brunner, John & Kim Pitcher, Tom Waggoner |
7th/8th grade (Grand Hall or youth loft) | Pastor Edwards, Pastor Beck |
High School (youth loft) | Chastin Baker, Tatiana Huss |
Superintendent | Megan DeMoss |
New children and visitors are always welcome!
Stop by the gym around 9:15 am and we will help you and your child join a class and introduce you to the teacher, so we can get to know you and involve you in what your child is learning. Help us update your contact information and share any special information you think we should know about your child. We ask for email addresses so we can notify you of special children’s events.
For more information, please contact Megan DeMoss or call the church office at (812)332-1668.
Jesus Company will return in the Fall of 2025
Families with children in grades 3-6 are invited to join us as we teach our children to be better servants of God and build friendships to help sustain their faith.
Jesus Company survey
Contact Emilia Brunner or the church office with any questions and/or to participate in the planning.
For grades 7-12. Activities are planned most Sunday evenings (6-8pm) to strengthen faith and build fellowship among students from different schools. Join our Facebook group to follow our events or contact Tatiana Huss at for the link to our new Band app group.
We are looking forward to participating in the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans next July, spending time in God’s Word, worship, service, and fellowship together with thousands of other youth and adults from across the country and world. We look forward to sharing our experience with you!
College Scholarship Opportunities
- Purdue Men’s Scholarship (deadline January 31) – Lutheran Men attending Purdue University in West Lafayette, incoming freshmen of any major (no obligation to be a member of Beta Sigma Psi)
- LWML Church Worker Scholarship (deadline March 18) – LCMS students from the Indiana District preparing for full-time church work at any synodical school
- Faith Lutheran (deadline May 1) – members of Faith preparing for full-time church work (request here)