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Loyalty Sunday is October 20

Each October, members of Faith are asked to carefully and prayerfully consider our Stewardship as we re-commit ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ here at Faith Lutheran Church.

The Fall 2024 Stewardship packets (in preparation for 2025) will be available in the narthex or from an usher at the beginning of October. Look for offering statements through the third quarter of the year in your church mailbox.

2024 Financial Pledge

We ask you to prayerfully consider your pledge for this next year.

  1. indicate your monthly/weekly pledge on the form provided in the Stewardship packet (or download it HERE)
  2. bring this form to worship on Loyalty Sunday, October 20 – OR mail it to the church office (2200 S. High Street / attention: “pledge“).

Budget Summary from 2023

Biblical Stewardship chart

Authorization form if you would like to set up automatic withdrawals

Faith Endowment brochure

Time & Talents

This is separate from the Stewardship packets. We encourage you to do this part ONLINE.

Mark those areas in which you have interest for 2025 (including where you are currently involved).

Paper copies are available in the narthex or by request (email or call the church office).