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SUNDAYS / 9:15am

Join us upstairs in Classrooms A-C.

“What Do We Believe?” class

  • Offered twice a year for those curious about what we teach and believe, or who would like a refresher. Come on your own, or invite a friend, neighbor, or family member.
  • Luther’s Small Catechism serves as the outline for this study
  • Option to join Faith at end of class.
  • Contact Pastor Edwards or Pastor Beck for more information.


10:00am Men’s and Women’s morning Bible Studies

Join us upstairs at church for these concurrent studies.

Women (Grand Hall)The Minor Prophets

Men (classrooms):  Mormons: Who They Are, What They Believe (from Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Lutheran Men’s Gemütlichkeit

Join us a couple times per month for fellowship and discussion with other men from Faith, ULu, and beyond. Click for schedule and locations.