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Contact our cantor, Dr. Priscilla Gabriel to learn more or get involved!

Senior Choir

Open to anyone in middle school and older, the Senior Choir sings weekly for the Divine Service, following the communion service schedule. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm in the sanctuary, or following the mid-week service during Advent and Lent.

Children’s Choir

For children in elementary school, this choir combines the Kodály Concept with the Royal School of Church Music’s Voice for Life program. Choir members grow spiritually as they develop an understanding of the texts they sing and are instructed in the meaning of the liturgy.

First Steps in Music

First Steps is an early childhood music and movement program for infants through five-year-olds, based on a curriculum designed by Dr. John Feierabend. Our current class offering is geared primarily towards two- and three-year-olds and their caregivers.

Christmas Choir

Composed of members of the regular choirs and additional volunteers, this ensemble sings for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. Sectionals and full rehearsals are coordinated on a week-to-week basis during December.


Instrumentalists with at least two years experience are encouraged to play in worship. Brass & timpani ensembles are often organized for major feast days.


Rehearsing on an “as needed” basis, handbells support worship by accompanying the choir or liturgy.

Symphonic Bells of Bloomington (SBB)

Faith Lutheran is proud to host this advanced community handbell ensemble. SBB is committed to promoting the art of English handbell ringing through performance, education, and community outreach. For more information on joining the ensemble or upcoming performances, visit

Our Instruments

The Organ: Reuter Organ Company, Opus 2145 (1991), two-manual, nineteen ranks

The Piano: D. H. Baldwin Baby Grand

The Timpani: 25″, 28″, and 32″ Ludwig & Yamaha

The Harpsichord: Zuckerman single manual with walnut case, assembled by and on-loan from member Fred Barsun

Bells: Four-and-a-half octaves of Malmark handbells and three octaves of tone chimes

Our Cantors

Dr. Priscilla Gabriel (2015-present)

Robert Cruz (2010-2015)

Julie Potts Grindle (1992-1995; 2002-2010)

Elizabeth Waldon (1999-2002)

Chris Loemker (1996-1999)

Dr. Wendy Markosky (1995-1996)

Dr. Faythe Freese (1986-1988; 1989-1992)

Dr. Sharon Follingstad (1988-1989)

Wayne Peterson (1985-1986)

Dr. Milton Martin (1966-1985)

Walter Posey (1963-1966)