King David declares and repeats 26 times in Psalm 136:
His steadfast Love endures forever.
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Our congregation was founded in January, 1963.
God’s steadfast love has always been declared in this place. To recognize this 60th anniversary milestone we will focus on God’s enduring, steadfast love the weekend of January 28-29, 2023 in two ways:
Saturday, January 28, 2023
4:30 Upper level doors will open
- Pick up (and wear) your name tag.
- Enjoy time to visit and remember together. Memorabilia display will be in the Grand Hall.
4:50 Doors to gym will open (open seating)
5:00 Meal begins
Menu preview:
Braised Sirloin Tips in Mushroom Sauce
Herb Roasted Chicken Breast*
Buttered Noodles
Mashed Potatoes*
Roasted Carrots
Vegetable Medley*
Lettuce Salad with Dressing
Yeast Rolls with Butter
Assortment of Desserts
Water and Coffee
*These menu items are free of Nuts, Gluten, Corn Products, Soy
Food prepared by Holts Catering, Kim Wright, owner, Judah, IN | Served by Faith’s Fellowship Ministry Team
Following the meal enjoy some singing and a series of speakers sharing their brief reflections on the history of our congregation.
Other notes:
- There have been several last minute cancellations, freeing up a few spots. If you know someone who would still like to attend – or if you are no longer able to attend – text Nancy Seitz directly at 317-409-4924.
- If you are available on Friday afternoon to help with set-up, there is much to be done and many hands will definitely make light work. We’ll begin at 12:30 but will be doing various tasks throughout the afternoon and possibly beyond, so help at any point will be much appreciated. Contact anyone on the planning team (see below) for more information.
- If you have any questions about your reservations or the evening in general, please contact Dave Ebeling (812-322-6503) or Nancy Seitz (317-409-4924).
Sunday, January 29, 2023
9:15am Sunday school + Confirmation + Adult Bible Classes (special 1-week study of the day’s theme: “His Steadfast Love Endures Forever.”)
We will all gather as one congregation for this single worship service based on Psalm 136.
Rev. Joe Asher, a son of Faith congregation, will be the guest preacher.
Please stay after Sunday’s worship for the very important Voters’ Meeting regarding the neighboring property. We must have a minimum of 80 members present for this meeting.
60th Anniversary Committee: Pastors Edwards and Beck, Dave Ebeling, Priscilla Gabriel, Ann Graves, Janet Hitzeman, Bill Pfrommer, Nancy Seitz