* Livestream
- Please mark your online worship attendance HERE.
- Offerings may be mailed to Faith Lutheran Church at P.O. Box 3457 (47402). Or submit this form to set up automatic withdrawals.
Lord’s Supper:
1st/3rd Sundays: 8:00 am
2nd/4th Sundays: 10:30 am and 5:00 pm
5th Sunday and Festivals: all services
As a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, we confess, in accord with the Scriptures, that in this sacred meal Jesus Himself is truly present to forgive our sin and strengthen our faith.
- Participation in this meal indicates that you believe, have been baptized, and have been taught according to our Lord’s command and are in doctrinal agreement with this confession.
- If you are visiting from outside the Lutheran Church or are new to the faith, we welcome you to come to the altar with arms crossed to receive a blessing.
- If you desire to receive instruction for the Lord’s Supper, please speak with one of our pastors.
Distribution notes…
- If you need gluten-free wafers, please let one of the pastors know.
- Non-alcoholic grape juice, containing a trace amount of wine, is available in the center of the tray.
- Pastors first offer Communion to those who are unable or uncomfortable coming to the chancel area.
- Ushers then dismiss the congregation for distribution row by row.
- Pastor will make the sign of the cross above the head of infants, children, and others receiving a blessing.
For pastoral care, please contact Pastor Edwards (414-732-6534) or Pastor Beck (812-508-6497).
Other Notes
>>For parents with young children: It is our joy to serve you in this hour of worship! A special reminder of the resources available to help you in guiding your child through worship:
- Booster seats, Worship bags, and Children’s bulletins available at the entrance to the sanctuary to engage them in the service
- Pew cards with suggestions and encouragement
- Cry room in the preschool wing when a personal space is needed
- Library with books to read and calm your child
- During the 10:30 service you can still stay connected to the worship via the livestream whenever you need to step out.