Join us on August 11:
Teachers and those working in any aspect of Christian Education, including with children and youth of all ages in both our church and preschool, will be commissioned at both morning services.
Faith Milestones
Our youth beginning confirmation instruction will receive their own copy of Luther’s Small Catechism to help them in their studies. Attend either morning service.
Children beginning 3rd grade will be presented with their very own Faith Alive Bibles. 3rd grade families may attend either morning service.
Following the 10:30 service new 3rd graders and their parents will meet with Pastor Edwards in the Grand Hall to run through the Bible to see how it is organized and examine the special features it has and learn ideas for helping children learn Scripture.
Confirmation instruction begins
7th & 8th grade Confirmation class will have their first class from 9:15-10:15 am in the Grand Hall.