SUNDAYS / 9:15am
Beginning January 5: Garments of Salvation Bible study
A study of the Biblical use of clothing as an allegory for redemption.
Join us upstairs in Classrooms A-C.
“What Do We Believe?” class: March 2 – April 13
- Offered twice a year for those curious about what we teach and believe, or who would like a refresher. Come on your own, or invite a friend, neighbor, or family member.
- Luther’s Small Catechism serves as the outline for this study
- Option to join Faith at end of class.
- This Spring 2025 session will take place on Sundays, following the 10:30 service – either in-person at church, or via Zoom. Let us know which works best for you!
- Contact Pastor Beck to sign up or for more information.
Join us January 8 – February 26, as you are able:
10:00am Men’s and Women’s morning Bible Studies
- Women (Grand Hall):
- Men (classrooms):
8:00pm Winter Bible study (Zoom) – A Longer Look at the Lessons for Epiphany
- Pastors Edwards and Beck will take turns leading a conversation on the coming Sunday’s “pericope” (designated Scripture readings).
- This class meets via Zoom
Lutheran Men’s Gemütlichkeit
Join us a couple times per month for fellowship and discussion with other men from Faith, ULu, and beyond. Click for schedule and locations.