Endowment Awards for 2021
In 2021 Faith’s Parish Planning Council (PPC) had $30,000 income from Faith’s Endowment Fund to support new ministry opportunities outside of Faith’s regular operating budget.
Seventeen applications for Endowment funds were submitted to the PPC, totaling $56,288.
The awards were evenly distributed between three categories: ministries here at Faith, in the LCMS at large, and within our community. God has truly blessed us and we are the stewards of His gifts. Thanks be to God!
Faith Congregation ($10,000)
$200 Nativity Scene maintenance / update outdoor décor
$300 Devotion Books / A Year with the Church Fathers
$1000 Event Tent / long term multiple use
$1000 FLY: Faith Lutheran Youth / replace broken furniture in youth room
$2000 Outdoor Security
$2000 Children’s Ministry update / replace boards and furniture
$3500 Worship Streaming / cameras, etc
(Light poles outside / light up driveway)
(Guiding Statement / banners and signs)
LCMS-related ($10,000)
$3000 Lakeview Ministries / “Weathering the Storm”
$3000 Seminary support / St. Louis and Ft. Wayne
$4000 Missionary support / 4 Faith-connected missionaries
(Hoech missionary support) – included above
Community-at-large ($10,000)
$500 Hannah House / resident support
$2000 Lutheran Church Charities / Texas storm relief
$2000 Pantry 279 / as needed
$5500 Sojourn House / renovate kitchen space